PinnedThe Cheap Planner That Taught Me About LifeI was flipping through my planner — yes, I’m one of those people who still uses a paper planner, with real pages that crumple and…Nov 16Nov 16
Life is shortHave you ever sat down just to watch the sunset? That fiery line across the horizon looks like a portal. Maybe that’s where angels come…3d ago3d ago
In Any Given EternityAt some random intersection, on some random avenue, on an ordinary day, as unremarkable as any other, their eyes met. It didn’t seem…5d ago5d ago
Reflections at the Edge of DeathAt the moment of death, there must be at least one mirror before us so we don’t feel unbearably alone. A mirror to gaze into during the…Nov 29Nov 29
A Truth That Strikes Like the WindSometimes I forget how much good you bring into my life. Wandering aimlessly as if I didn’t need you, I wake here and there, crafting…Nov 28Nov 28
A Fraction of ForeverI still remember our last kiss. It haunts me like a ghost, follows me, corners me. Sometimes, I wake up thinking about it. Remembering it.Nov 27Nov 27
At Eternity’s Door, I Chose to SquatIt was April, I think. Maybe May. Definitely a Monday.Nov 26Nov 26
Quando a gente se conforma com menos: Lições que aprendi com minha agenda barataEstava aqui folheando minha agenda — sim, sou dessas que ainda usa agenda de papel, com folhas reais que amassam e, vez ou outra, caem da…Nov 16Nov 16
O que você vai ser quando seu filho crescer?Certa vez, quando minhas filhas eram pequenas, assisti a um comercial que perguntava: “O que você vai ser quando seu filho crescer?” As…Nov 6Nov 6
Último Dia (Talvez)Eu acordei sabendo que morreria como quem sabe que o café vai acabar. Era só uma coisa que aconteceria.Oct 22Oct 22